Stephen's early influences as a humorist arose from his childhood in the hills of Eastern Kentucky and his love for the richness of humorist like Twain and Will Rogers.
It was simply serendipity that led Stephen Hollen to impersonate Mark Twain. The first time someone told him he looked like Twain, he simply smiled. After it happened dozens of times, someone finally said. "you know... you like to tell stories, you look like Mark Twain and you love his wit... why not be Twain?"
It was a great idea that opens the door for you to invite Mark Twain, Storyteller to your Festival, event, school or organization for a visit and perhaps a lecture. Mr. Twain has appeared at dozens and dozens of different venues! He is a favorite at Festivals as he not only performs onstage, but walks through the crowds and interacts with visitors.
More photos, video and lots more info is available at www.marktwainimpersonator.com
Call Stephen for details and to schedule your event at 937-371-4071.
E-mail: stephen@stephenhollen.com